Wednesday, September 08, 2004

Ode to a Bitchy Homosexual

by ManiacDrugSong and Chris Berry

[ManiacDrugSong was one of the many who ignored the request that the title of the poem come from a post as well. Not that it really matters.]

Personally, I think Las Vegas sucks.
You have Mac King, Lance Burton, Penn and Teller, Sigfried and Roy,
Jeff Hobson, and others
You are going to get sick of it VERY quickly
Not surprising to hear it sucked.

Hollywood Magic is right down the street from the Castle.
Last time I was there I sat and talked with Greg Arce for about an hour
You are very boring to watch, your material is weak...which makes you
very boring to watch.
I really would like to spend my money on something that is actuaally

You have a lot of "magic" shops, most of which are tourist shops that
have hack talent
You… look super goofy standing there… with a coin on the back of your
Pull your head off and float it around?
Not surprising to hear it sucked.

Dean Dill's shop is out in Glendale
You are going to get sick of it VERY quickly
…about 20 minutes… pure crap.
I don't even think it's that long

I've been coming up with some great stuff using Latta's palm
Popping in and out of there all day, look super goofy
Doing things... to me... that have nothing in common?
So... I'm moving to Florida in about 6 months....